Real Estate: TAJ Investments
Website for a new real estate investment brokerage in the Triangle region of North Carolina, one of the nation's hottest markets.
Client Name: TAJ Renovations, LLC
Industry: Real Estate
Project Case:
As a new business, it was important for this real estate brokerage to establish ways for potential sellers and buyers to contact them. Most importantly, was the intake side where current home owners can be contacted to get a quote for selling their home. The website they wanted to build would be a primary place for people to request a quote - but the biggest hurdle would be to get found on the internet with Raleigh-Durham (Triangle) as one of the hottest housing markets in the United States.
Website Goals and Objectives:
Connect potential sellers to the brokerage to get a quote
Provide information to potential sellers on fair offers, the selling process, and support the brokerage provides to sellers to make informed decisions
Challenges and Solutions:
As a new business, a website can take a while to build up credibility with Search Engines like Google. How could they be found faster? Through thorough research from competitor's websites locally and nationally, Bocca enabled advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques within the website. Good and relevant SEO strategy helps search engines, like Google and Bing, crawl the site with greater understanding of how to promote and link searches to websites. Further, Bocca encouraged TAJ to establish a blog connected to their website to supplement the information they give to their customers, as additional reference tools and material to consider. This blog acts as another credibility point for customers to learn more about their options, but also for search engines to learn more about how to represent the website compared to others.
Services Provided:
Fully designed landing page and blog
Custom domain linking
Advanced Search Engine Optimization
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